Need a Payment Gateway Integration?

Online payment gateway is a secure interface for customers to enter their credit card details online. Once entered, the numbers are checked for discrepancies to prevent fraudulent misuse. Bank databases are queried to approve the transaction. Upon approval, the merchant (website owner) gets the money debited to his account. This multi-layered approach to security has also contributed to customer confidence in using credit cards online .

Service Providers such as CC Avenue, Paypal etc. offering their services for enabling on-line payments with relatively low or nill initial investment and higher over riding commissions on per transaction and billing amount.

Rantech Jammu Kashmir has the required set up and expertise in payment gateway integration to make your online business a success. We develop customized shopping carts with payment gateways like paypal and ccavenue and many more to systematize your payment and data processes. Our company is committed to offer reliable and complete services to our clients thats the best in the industry. You can contact us at any time and any day of the year for further details.

Advantages of Payment gateway Integrations

  • Gateways provide significant benefits if you have more than a few orders per day
  • Credit card validation in real time
  • Helps the business to go online & be available to users worldwide 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
  • Money is normally deposited into your bank account automatically
  • Reports and refunds normally allowed via browser by gateway company

Payment Gateway options

  • PayU Money
  • CC Avenue
  • Sage Pay
  • PayPal